Thursday, June 18, 2009

Six Exercise Myths

1. If you are not sweating or hurting, you are not getting a good workout. Wrong wrong wrong! Cardio makes you sweat! Weight training can be an intense - no sweat workout if you wish to sculpt. And muscles hurting?Ideally, you should stretch the day after your workout - or - Stretch immediately after your workout. What's important is that you STRETCH each muscle you have worked! Get a good Trainer to educate you on posture, technique and your breath.
2. If You’re Not Going to Work Out Hard and Often, Exercise Is a Waste of Time. This kind of thinking keeps a lot of people from maintaining or even starting an exercise program. Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening for as little as an hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
3. You Will Burn More Fat If You Exercise Longer at a Lower Intensity. The most important focus in exercise and fat weight control is not the percentage of exercise energy coming from fat but the total energy cost, or how many calories are burned during the activity. The faster you walk, step or run, for example, the more calories you use per minute. However, high-intensity exercise is difficult to sustain if you are just beginning or returning to exercise, so you may not exercise very long at this level. It is safer, and more practical, to start out at a lower intensity and work your way up gradually.
4. If You Exercise Long and Hard Enough, You Will Always Get the Results You Want. In reality, genetics plays an important role in how people respond to exercise. Studies have shown a wide variation in how different exercisers respond to the same training program. Your development of strength, speed and endurance may be very different from that of other people you know.
5. Exercise Is One Sure Way to Lose All the Weight You Desire. As with all responses to exercise, weight gain or loss is impacted by many factors, including dietary intake and genetics. All individuals will not lose the same amount of weight on the same exercise program. It is possible to be active and overweight. However, although exercise alone cannot guarantee your ideal weight, regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for successful long-term weight management.
6. If You Want to Lose Weight, Stay Away From Strength Training Because You Will Bulk Up. Most exercise experts believe that cardio-vascular exercise and strength training are both valuable for maintaining a healthy weight. However, strength training helps maintain muscle mass and decrease body fat percentage.Muscle mass acts like a furnace for your body creating a higher metabolism. Women would benefit by weight training to keep muscles. bones and joints young and agile, no matter your age!

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