Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chakras - Healing Meditation

The 7 Primary Colours of Chakras and their Life Theme

The seven core chakras function as pathways for energy that flows through subtle channels in the spine and govern the endocrine system through the etheric body.

Each Chakra acts a transformer within the body. The purpose is to bring into the system a higher frequency of vibration, from the subtle portions of the Matrix Grid, into the thicker frequencies for purification and healing of negative energies. There are seven endocrine glands, each with a vibration and color, and one is assigned to each of the seven primary Chakras.


White.. Head Centre. . . Consciousness and Spirituality

Purple.. Centre between eyebrows. . Phsycic perseption, Imagination and Intuition

Blue.. Throat Centre. . Self Expression and Communication

Green.. Heart Centre. . Compassion, Love and Healing

Yellow.. Solar Plexus Centre. . Personal power, Identity and Individuation

Orange.. Sacral Centre. . Sexuality and Creativity

Red.. Centre at the base of the Spine. . Self preservation and Survival

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