Monday, March 30, 2009

Fitness Bootcamp - is it as intimidating as it sounds?

No! It's outdoor fitness, designed for everyone!

It's kinda like fitness class, with the benefits of a Personal Trainer to guide you, educate you, coach you and push you to YOUR limit!

The group environment builds positive peer pressure to - Show up!! And to give it your ALL while you're there. I have witnessed relationship-building among participants - not to mention everyone gangs up on the TRAINER! It's a love/hate relationship which I am extremely thankful for!

My name is Sherry, I am certified with CanFitPro in many areas of Wellness. I am also a Motivational Speaker, doing my part to spread the word of WELLNESS!

Do you have any questions for me? Feel free to ask, I am here to help YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! I am utilizing this blog, as an open forum to discuss fitness, health and wellness. Think of it as a Dear Abby! Your questions, feedback and information is so valuable!
    Please feel free to post questions, websites, book referrals, ANYTHING! I can't wait to have our first conversation! Welcome....
