Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Skinny on Weight Loss - Tips and Tricks

  • Cut your carbs at night! Carbs before bed can cause fat storage, and raise blood sugar levels.

  • Eat small portions throughout the day, and avoid big BIG meals.

  • Eat breakfast everyday! Look for foods high in protein, nutrients and FIBRE.

  • Good fats and bad fats. Oils are packed with nutrients! Use them instead of butter or margarine. Reduce saturated fats, and completely avoid trans fats (read lables)

  • Try this on! Build and repair more MUSCLE by increasing your protein intake, and reduce carbs/wheat products.

  • Shop the outer aisles of your grocery store - then venture to the inner isles to pick up your jams, jellies and sauces. You will naturally shop healthier!

  • Eliminate processed, enriched and refined foods from your grocery list.

  • Hydrate! Water eliminates waste and toxins in your body, and help transport nutrients.

  • Lift weights to boost metabolism. Building muscle mass is an excellent way to burn fat!

  • Cardio (walking, running, biking, jumping jacks) can be done anytime of day but is most effective in the morning on an empty stomach. This method will help you burn 3 times more fat.

  • Lose the bad habit! Maybe you like Tim Horton's Ice Caps, or Latte's from Starbucks everyday, right? Extra dressing on your salad? Mayo? If there is something in your daily routine causing weight gain that you can live without, lose it. I recommend you change 1 thing everyday and behold! The fat will melt away.

  • Value you! Me time. Mark it on your calendar and enjoy spending time with you.

  • Have a buddy system, someone you can call to celebrate your successes, and to support you when you fall off the health wagon.

  • Love yourself! Forget about instant gratification. Being healthy is a lifestyle, and it will come. The best way to be successful with your goals is LOVE WHO YOU ARE, THEY WAY YOU ARE today.

  • Diets don't work!!! Diets are a quick fix, designed for instant gratification but totally, not meant to last. Do diets (only) if it's something you plan to continue for the rest of your life! Diets simply, are not sustainable as they deprive your body of the necessary nutrients it requires to function like a well-oiled machine!

Let me know what you think, or if you have any great tips you would like to add.

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