Friday, May 29, 2009

Why Yoga?

Physical Benefits:

  • Flexibility - Stretching with yoga increases your range of motion which makes you feel better. Over time you gain flexibility in your back, shoulders, legs and hips.

  • Strength - Poses require you to support your weight. Balancing on one leg and supporting yourself with your arms. Moving slowly, in and out of poses also increase strength.

  • Muscle Tone - Yoga helps build and shape long, lean muscles. Building muscle increases metabolism, and your ability to burn fat.

  • Pain Prevention - Among other reasons sitting too long can cause all types of pain, including spinal compression. Yoga improves your alignment to help reduce, and eliminate pain.

  • Breathing - Shallow breathing is the norm. 'Pranayama' (breathing exercises) increases oxygen in the lungs which benefits the entire body. Breath offers physical and mental benefits by opening the nasal passages and calming the central nervous system.

Mental Benefits:

  • Mental Calmness - 'Asanas' is payng attention to your breath, while disengaging from your thoughts and bring calmness to the mind.

  • Stress Reduction - Because of the concentration required for yoga, you will notice your daily troubles (large and small) will melt away during practice. When you are in the moment you learn not to dwell on the past or the future. You will leave class feeling less stressed than when you started.

  • Body Awareness - Do you know your body? Over time, you will increase your level of comfort with your body. This will lead to improved posture and greater self confidence.

Yoga is a practice that takes practice. Take your time, go at your own pace and ease into it and you will reap all the benefits! Namaste

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